
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Quilts are Quilted

What was the buzzer for you ask? To get me to start dinner. I had a request for lasagna. This will be our first gluten free rice noodle lasagna - wish us luck!
The first two quilts on the left here - The Turning Twenty was made by Willa in CO and quilted by Loretta in LA.

The Heartstrings quilt was made by my heartstring group and quilted by Loretta too. She sent both of the quilts to Carol - she bound them and they are washed and ready to go!!

Thanks Ladies!!

The next two quilts on the right were made by the Peace by Piece quilters.

And quilted by Carolyn in Loveland. Harriet of my Pieceable Friends Guild bound them.
Hope you enjoy them - what a neat look the strings can make huh?


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I may be way off on this statement but I think I remembered that the chaplain last year said he could use 700 quilts. Did I dream this up?
    It looks like you will make 700 quilts before long. So many blessing to give to our soldiers.

  2. What is your cutoff date for your May delivery if the quilt is all quilted, washed, with a case and ready to go?

  3. Anonymous3:27 PM

    How did the lasagne turn out?


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