
Monday, November 10, 2008

Strings and Pillowcases

I love string blocks because I can use all of my scraps, but when my scraps get too full I really MUST sit down and start sewing! Which is just what I did this last week. My kids had a couple of days off, so I spent some time at the sewing machine while they chilled to "underdog"
 is a picture of my overflowing scraps. They usually don't get that full - as I share my strings with some of the ladies at my guild, and with the 5th grade kiddos... but apparently I haven't been sharing enough!

This is my orgazined pile of strings... its about as organized as I get, maybe it would help to be more organized... hmm - thats a thought!

And this is some finished string blocks sewn together. I had the kiddos sew them into 6 blocks per row. Now I just need to really really really iron them, and have the strips sewn together and voila - a quilt top!

Now - Pillowcases! Each Quilt of Valor is going into its own pillowcase. These are so great!! It makes a nice presentation case, as well as a carrying case.

Many of the soldiers are sort of in transition mode, and travel to various doctors, only to sit and wait until they can be seen. And they take their quilts with them. So the pillowcase is a nice way to tuck it into and take it with them. And YES they do take their quilts with them....

These fabulous pillowcases were made by Peggy of my Heartstrings group. Here are a couple of links to free pillowcase patterns.

From Operation Support:

I have used Vickis instructions a lot and they turn out great!

If you are interested - the weekend after Thanksgiving the Heartstrings group is having a Pillowcase virtual retreat!

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