
Friday, November 07, 2008

The journey of quilts

I think I may have mentioned that we live in kind of the middle of nowhere. Yet we are close enough to get lots of places with in an hour to an hour and a half... and this has turned out to be a good thing!

Until it comes to sports - and you know all kids play sports and ALL the games seem to be away games - and NONE of them are within 20 minutes.... this part start to get annoying - but I digress....

Last Saturday was one of those 1 1/2 hours trips..... Let me explain..

Arlene is in the Geneseo Quilt guild, in Illinois. her group has various sew days and make quilts for lots of groups, including Project Linus, and Quilts of Valor. At their last guild meeting they had about 15 quilts finished and was asking for help for the shipping costs. Enter Jan and Jean...

Jean's Sister is in the Geneseo guild, and Jan and Jean were visiting her and decided to go to the meeting. They raised there hands and said - we live in Colorado - can we take the quilts back?

And two weeks later my family and I made the trip to Tomorrow's Heirlooms quilt shop to pick them up! It was about 1/2 way for both of us, and a great excuse to visit a quilt shop... before heading out for Football games Of course!!

Now on to the best part - some pictures!! You should have seen my front room. I had quilts all over the place - and was just starting to take pictures when the UPS man showed up. Lucky for me I know the UPS man and he had to check out the quilts - he was impressed!!
Ladies thank you so much - I am so tickled that this all worked out! Of course this is only half the quilts - I will post pictures of the others in the next post!


  1. Build it and they will come!

  2. Where is Tomorrow's Heirloom?

  3. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Oh Alycia I'm enjoying the wonder of the growing stack of eye candy that's showing up at your house from everywhere! Your UPS guy must have some great stories to tell when he gets back to the terminal at night. Does he automatically stop now just because...?

    Shari in AZ

  4. That has to be more than coincidence!

  5. That's a great story and wonderful quilts! I'm still doing t-shirts for you so there's more $ coming soon.


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