
Thursday, November 13, 2008

I took a class

today with Karen McTavish - Naner Naner... tee hee. Karen came to Tomorrows Heirlooms and today was the wholecloth class, and lucky me, I got to take it.


So here is Ms. M showing us one of her quilts from Whitework Quilting - her book.


At lunch I sat with a gal named Peg and we started talking about where we were from. I mentioned Kersey and she says - I emailed a quilter in Kersey about Quilts of Valor.... and Surprise - it was Me! She is getting her guild making QOV's and is going to quilt them to add to our numbers - Small world huh?


I worked on a 45 x 45 in piece of fabric and I was glad. I got almost the whole thing marked before I had to leave for my oldest sons basketball game. And I was glad I made it to that as well - They WON!!


Now I am in such a good mood - My other half is home from his trip to Seattle, My oldest son won, My class was a blast, and the little 2 boys ate all the leftovers... I am going to offer a contest.
I need a name for my husband in my blog. - I don't really like refering to him as hubby, or other half, or hub - or anything like that. My one son suggested Spud Muffin - that didn't go over well. So the best suggestion wins a $30 gift card from Knots and Bolts
He is the guy in the green shirt, he golfs, he ropes, he chases kids, he cooks a mean steak, and great fettucine, and he ohhs and ahhs appropriately at every quilt I show him... what else do you need to know about him?
The contest starts now and ends Friday Night at 9 pm my time. The kids and I will choose the winner and announce it Sunday. Be sure to check back on Sunday and the winner will need to contact me with all their details so I can get Suzanne to get your gift certificate to you - to SHOP... because EVERY one can use some new fabrics right????
Have a good one!!


  1. My Guy
    Dear Man
    My Heart

    OK I could go on and on ..... kiss and hug everyday.

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The LOML - Love of My Life
    The FOMK - Father of My Kids
    The FOMB - Father of My Boys
    The DEG - Does Everything Guy
    "The Dude"

    Wish I'd known he was in Seattle, I would have given him these 2 quilts to take back to you!

  3. Alycia: You could just refer to him by his first initial as I do my dh aka as G.

  4. Anonymous2:41 PM

    How about " Mr (first letter or your last name) or my personal favorite "lover boy"!!! Most of the time that's how I refer to my DH...sometimes not though.
    Your so lucky to have a class with Ms M....someday maybe I'll make the trek across the state to see her.

    Karen L

  5. I like descriptive names and as I was reading thru the things you listed with roping followed by chasing kids, it hit me: KidWrangler, one word. Or just Wrangler.

  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Nane for your Husband==My Man.

    This seems to fit all of what he does for you and your family..

    And as Vicki W. said, Lucky you!!

  7. My "ATM"
    My "Honey DOO" - (Honey do this, Honey do that)
    My "TLC" - (Tough Lovable Champ)

  8. "My Hero"

    Really, they are aren't they?

  9. My vote is for:
    GOV: Guy of Valor
    AG" Alycia's guy
    HM: Home's Foundation

  10. Gosh, I must be pretty boring...I just call my husband Keith when I refer to him.

  11. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I vote for C-B Cowboy. I have one just like him at home and we sure are lucky.

  12. yeah, I'm late, but just catching up to over 130 blog posts while I was working!

    How about Colorado Cowboy--CC for short? He ropes, makes a great steak, but is sensitive enough to oooh and aaahh over quilts. Sounds like a cowboy to me.

  13. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I think you should call him Lucky. Lucky to have such a great wife and kids!

  14. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Well this contest is easy for me....I call my own Hubbie either Mr. WOnderful or Mr. Excitement and now our friends do too.

    With all he does both would wrok and even on the groups I belong to they all know mine by these two "monikers"

    Jane NJ/wi Heartstrings

  15. I know I'm too late to play in your contest, but wanted to say that Quilting Diva is right; he's clearly "My Hero"


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