
Monday, September 29, 2008

Friday Fun

I finally got the pics off of my camera!! The 5th grade that lets me come in and bother them - started cutting fabrics for our Quilts of Valor! We did it during math class and it was a blast. I think they all had fun - you will have to check out the faces!
The kids were all very sweet. Some really liked to pose for the camera!
Some were really concentrating. And some were just adorable!

We even got the Principal to help. He told me that his mom was a quilter.....

We got a lot of fabric cut up - and we have some different themes - Can you see the airplanes around the boy to the right? That should give you a hint as to one of our themes!


Hope you all have a great day!


  1. Ummmm--Air Force?

    I'll bet the teacher was glad to have them all so engrossed in a MATH project!

    Math was never this fun when I was a kid. In fact, I had to repeat geometry in summer school.

    Now I do quilts. Poetic justice?

  2. I've got some leftover pieces of that same airplane fabric along with several other leftover airplane fabrics? You're welcome to them if you want.

  3. I love to teach and work with kids. There faces say it all.Those are some great pics. Thanks for Sharing.


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