
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday is Catch up Day

And oh boy have we been working! Last week I recieved 10 pillowcases from Nann H in IL and 15 pillowcases from Jan B. So today I got all the unpillowcased Quilts of Valor pillowcased. They look so nice. I have been printing the pics of the quilt and pinning them on the outside. If they are female quilts they also get a pink ribbon. And... I used ALL of the pillowcases - isn't that awesome!

These first two pics are the cases that came from Jan. I think I need a bigger couch!


The next pics are the cases from Nann and some yardage that she found for me to use. I have the perfect quilt top for it too...


It was made by Jan K right here in Colorado. Now - Jan was a 4-H leader and taught sewing. She was a great teacher and her daughters are great seamstresses to. But they hadn't made quilts. So of course NOW they are hooked. Jan also made a cool pillowcase to go with her quilt.

We decided to do a rail fence for the first quilt with this group, and they were much better than they let on, and defineatly could have handled a harder quilt! So next month... tee hee ... they are in for it... I am going to show them 1/2 squares! It will open a whole new world in quilting!

Okay - back to catching up. I already did a load of laundry, folded it, ironed enough clothes for my hubby to wear next week, did the dishes, finshed quilting a quilt, loaded the next one, got my cutting table all cleaned off... Now I think I might need to vacuum - but then again - no one is coming over for a day or two.... hmmmm my Carolina Crossroads is still next to the machine....
Later ;-)

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Comments make my day!! I love hearing your thoughts!!! Thank you for stopping by and being a part of my Quilting Journey