
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

MQX Quilt

Okay - I might have told you - but this year I bit the bullet and decided to enter a quilt at MQX ( in New Hampshire. I have to tell you I am not the most intricate of piecers - I really like to go fast and have fun. So I was sure my quilt would be one of the simpler ones.... Fine with me - I had a blast making and quilting it.... but now for the best part.

I got my quilt back today and there is the neatest evaluation form. I am REALLY impressed. They really judge your quilt on a lot of categories - not just the pieceing and the quilt, but the quilting and the overall effect... I was impressed!
So for all of you who keep thinking - I should do this, oh maybe not... today is the day to stop waffling and just DO IT - plan a quilt for next year. I bet you will learn something you hadn't even though of... I did!!!

Okay - now I really gotta go make dinner. Apparently the children need to be fed... to bad fabric scraps don't count HA HA ( I really really love my kids ... its just fun to pick on them, cuz when they get taller than me I will probably have to be realllll nice!)

1 comment:

  1. OK if you see this comment twice ignore this one! LOL!

    Entering a quilt in a show is a goal of mine. I plan to get through the UFOs then make one intentionally for a show. Were the comments pretty constructive? I just do not need criticism!


Comments make my day!! I love hearing your thoughts!!! Thank you for stopping by and being a part of my Quilting Journey