
Sunday, March 02, 2008

Stashbusting Report

This was a great stashbusting week for me - as I needed to make Backings - lots of Backings!! I made backings for 5 quilts this week. 2 of the backs were made for Quilts of Valor. One that I made and one that my 5th graders made. And then I made 3 backs for Quilts of Valor that I had made and Kim B in La Junta is going to quilt for me.

So a total of 16.33 yds busted this week. And I finally broke down and made a little excel sheet to kind of keep track. I am not good at keeping track of exact numbers - but thought I might give it a try.

The Snow is blowing and it looks like a cold day for us, yesterday was 70... today the high was already hit and its on its way down to 30....


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