
Monday, March 10, 2008

Natures Way

I had a group of 12 boys in one class this year - so I gave them the option of choosing RWB colors or a wildlife theme. They chose the wildlife theme. They Chose to have it quilted with the "Bear in the woods Meander" created by Tom and Dana Van Wie.

Of course I always have some stash around, and I found this panel that I had purchased. I am sure at the time I had a purpose - but I can't remember what that was. It has been repurposed.... and I added the last of the light blue that I had and made a back for it. My sons think it is really cool. The boys at school won't see it for two weeks - so I'll have to see what they think then.

Then of course - the label. I remember at the presentation last year the chaplain ohhed and aweed over the labels. He thought that they were very important.
Hope you all have a very quilty day! I will be at play practice for 2 boys this afternoon, and then transport two of the 3 boys to a band concert, and then will have the other boy join us later and then will probably come home and collapse - who knew 3 kids could need to be in 14million places at once? And that I would have to choose based on time and driving distances....??


  1. That's a great quilt! I put a box of more fabric in the mail to you today. It should arrive in a week or so.

  2. well done for getting boys involved. I love the colours they chose

    love and hugs Gina xxx

  3. I have been meaning to ask you ...Are your classes in an after school program? Do you supply the machines? or is this part of an ongoing class and they just make blocks when you go? I would love to do something like that at my son's school..but there is no sewing program at all...Also do you print your labels on Printed Treasures (or other brand)? Thanks for letting me pick your brain! lolol


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