
Thursday, December 20, 2007

UFO #3

Well I am slowly but surely making progress. Remember back to my list of 8 things I found? I can now successfully cross of the Log Cabin 4 patch top. I put the rows together this weekend, and last night finally got the rows together.

One of my boys did the layout as I even had them pinned and ready to sew. So now it will go into my que. I will get this one quilted and bound and ready to be delivered with the rest of my quilts from the 5th grade. Our goal is to have all of our quilts ready by April 1st for May delivery.

We only have one more day till Christmas break!!!

Have a great one!!

1 comment:

  1. I always like to read about how you include your children in your quilting.
    Merry Christmas...I'm sure things will be exciting at your house!


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