
Monday, April 23, 2007

My little Helper

Well this last week has been really busy - and a little too much ~ so I decided I needed to get in my 15 minutes of sewing - just needed to feel like I got something accomplished. So I got up early, got my chores done, kids fed etc and decided I would get 15 minutes in before taking the kids to school. I had a little helper. My youngest decided he wanted to help - so he sewed on my lap while I ran the foot pedal.

Friday morning he woke up real early and came into wake me up. He said Mom - should we get up now? I need to get my 15 min. of sewing in before school....he is too cute. Anyways this is the block we have been working on - you can see more of them on the floor. It is the weedwhacker from Bonnie Hunter. We have renamed it the Scrap Whacker - cuz man is it whacking up the scraps!!! This is him being goofy ;-)

All these scraps are left overs from the backings of the 18 Quilts of Valor we have been working on for this years delivery.


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    What a cute little helper....and quite cheerful too....must be that 15 minutes of sewing really makes him happy !!!!

  2. I wish DD would share in my 15 minutes - I'd get a lot more done!

  3. Anonymous4:57 AM

    What a cute story and that's going to be a really pretty quilt!

  4. Great block! Cute helper...

  5. Adorable! I love the blocks as well! Keep up the great work!

  6. that's a great little helper you have there! And sounds like he's getting obsessed at an early age. LOL!

  7. What a darling ... and what fun he is having!

  8. the weed whacker pattern is great, and look great with all those scraps!
    Well done on almost finishing your oldest ufo as well....


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