
Friday, April 06, 2007

Getting Closer

We are getting closer to two things - 1.) one of the Quilts of Valor that the kids have been working on so hard will be going to MQX ( machine quilters expo) in New Hampshire next week. The kids voted on it and we decided that we should have a picture of all the kids accompany it! and 2.) Delivery of 18 quilts to Fort Carson - I am so excited - 18!! thats 2 times as many as last year. Of course my quilt guild has helped, and the 2nd graders got involved !! I'm happy ( and worn out from all the machine quilting LOL )

I also have some more Mystery quilts from my Guild to show you. I love the combo Red White and Blue - and its variances - like Maroon Blue and Tan - These look awesome!! This one was made by Betty Q - and she gave it to me all quilted!!!

This one was made by Cheryl P.

And last but not least - the last quilt that came from the guild for our trip to Fort Carson was made by Rosalie. I love how each one turned out and I think a soldier will be glad to get them.

And on the home front - yesterday when we went to go to school there was a new cat at the house. He was somewhat nervous, but a pretty sleek looking kitty - maybe had been previously very loved. But yesterday he was VERY hungry - so I showed him where I fed my cat, and where the water was for my cat and he seemed to be just fine. My cat is a white barn cat, he is nice but he doesn't like to be hugged much, and loves to chase mice - so we LOVE him.

Anyways this new cat - the boys named him Garfield 2 , ate up and dissappeared - so I thought maybe he was just lost - and then this morning there he was again. On the deck, ready to come IN the house - I don't have house animals - they make me sneeze. He seems a lot more comfy around our place today. I think someone drove out to the country and dropped him off - and he found our place, and now that he is full and can find water - I think he thinks this is his new home. Fine with me - he seems very nice. But he wasn;t too sure what to think of those huge horses that came in from the pasture. It was kind of funny watching Garfield2's face as he looked up at those HUGE horses - I think it was a mix of fear and amazement :-)

So now our cat population has increased to 2 cats - hope he is a good mouser too - or maybe Whitey can teach him ;-)


  1. Gtreat job on all the QOVs. I bet the kids are so proud! I love the pattern that everyone is using.

  2. The QOV quilts are great! That's something those children will remember doing for the rest of their lives. Good luck with Garfield 2.

  3. Alycia, you've done a fabulous job on the QOVs!! You have really instilled some good qualities into your guys as well as their classmates! Sounds like a dream home for the new kitty. He landed in the right place!

  4. Such cute kids and their quilt is beautiful. Glad to hear that you are making QOVs for Fort Carson soldiers, living so close I feel like they are all part of my family.
    I told my husband that I think stray cats have a sign system to show where the easy marks are for kitty meals; the skunks and racoons seem to find the cat food also.

  5. Love those mystery quilts. At first glance I didn't realise the third quilt was the same pattern as it looks so different. Love seeing the same pattern made up in different fabrics :)
    Also, hope your new cat settles in and enjoys his new life with you.


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