
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Field Trip to Texas Roadhouse

My second grader got to go to the Texas Roadhouse and cook bread. ( He is the one on the far right in the grey sweatshirt)
They got an awesome tour of the kitchens and we got to go into the freezer. Considering I am not warm unless it is 75deg I held the door :-).

My son wants to be a chef when he grows up ( among other things) so he had a blast and loved baking the bread. He is now my helper in the kitchen - and what a cook he is. Although he does have a thing for pizza - how much can you eat in a week?
On another note - the 5th graders worked on putting there quilt tops together last Friday until the power went out - so I will have some pictures of those this weekend - nothing like giving yourself a deadline right?
And of course it is Valentines day and my DH got me flowers - and Brownies - he knows my weakness! Chocolate - but the boys think I will share. They have another thing coming to them!

1 comment:

  1. A budding chef - how cool. If he keeps cooking he'll make a great husband someday.

    Happy Valentines Day! DH ordered a blizzard for me and I got it!


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