
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lasagna Quilt is Finished

Finally my Lasagna Quilt is finished. I very enthusiasticly cut strips for one twin size lasagna quilt, but when i started sewing I realized that I had cut enough for 3 quilts. 1 set went to a lady who makes comfort quilts, she sewed them up. The first finished quilt went to Houston for victims of Hurricane Katrina, and then there was this one. I oh so kindly put it in a bucket, stacked it on a shelf - and promptly forgot about it!

When I was moving my sewing room around I unearthed it, quilted it, and then put it in a bin for forward to January - it became my goal to get it bound and Finally I am Finished with it.
This pattern is from "Atkinson Designs Spring Cleaning book" - Its a really easy quilt, a great stashbuster too. I quilted it with tons of hearts all over it.
We have been plowed out now, but this morning as I tried to get the one car that had been stuck out, it argued! It slid everywhere, so I very promptly parked it and decided it would hang out until the spring thaw! I am very wholeheartedly looking forward to a thaw - at some point in the near future LOL.
Happy Quilting

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Cute quilt! I like the color choices in this snuggly quilt.


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