
Monday, October 30, 2017

At the Fall Bazaar

i was really singing in my head " At the Craft show:"  like at the car wash, and then I remembered the movie Shark Wash - and so I was singing "At the Shark Wash" 

If was one of my finest moments ;-)

Saturday was the Fall Bazaar in our little town, and it got some pretty good traffic - I was tickled.

This is my table:

I was smack dab in the center - pretty good place to be:

I had a lot of fun, met some great people,
Talked more than I ever do in one day.

and sold some stuff !

My best seller though was a surprise to me!

I made these cards up 
a set of three of some of my best selling Black and White Prints
and! Voila

People liked them
Totally made my day

I also sold a lot of the bowl cozies
and a few quilts ( yay) Now I can make more!!
As if not selling them was going to stop me - haha

I have a few sets left
so they are now in my Etsy Shop


And you know how we knew it was going to be a great day?

This was my sunrise as I was loading the car!

Hope your Monday is Great

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Softball and Quilts

Last weekend was the 4th Anniversary of our Quilts of Valor group stitching with the University of Northern Colorado Softball team -and they did not fail - we had a blast!!!

Four years ago only a few of the players had sewn, and we jumped right in - this year - it was only a few of the new recruits that had not sewn, so jumping in was much easier.

The players paired up - 2 players per machine and off we went!!

In past years they have made blocks, helped with a presentation, and Cut - but this time - they had a lofty goal - finish 4 complete Quilt tops - in 2 hours!

So we stole Kevin the Quilters 2014 Block drive block ......



4 Tops were completed!!
( I'll have to show you them when they are all quilted - we couldn't hold them all up)

Want to see us in action?
They do not sit still well

Having fun laying out the blocks

Watching them grow

It was a great time - and we sure enjoy having them come in and be 
a part of honoring our Veterans Touched by war

Linking To:
TGIF Friday
Whoop Whoop at Confessions
Finished or Not Finished

Monday, October 23, 2017

Centennial Village Re-enactment

Centennial Village is in the town to the west of us, and it has all the history of how Greeley got started. it's a pretty cool little place.  They hosted a Civil War Re-Enactment, and it was SO cool!

My son had to go for his History class, and my Friend said - I'm going to photograph, want to come - and so I did!!

I am so glad! We got to go *behind the war* and get embedded with the troops - and I tell you what!

Even tho this was a re-enactment, and they were shooting blanks - it gave us a total new respect for those embedded Journalists and photographers in real wars... Holee Molee.... but it was SO cool!!

 They actually shot this!
and it was loud
and the time it took to re-load , you can imagine how slow the Civil War seemed to today's

 I think that while they were reloading they needed some sort of cover
and this guy to the back shows up

Notice he's not in a uniform?

 This is a long rifle 
He talked about it after wards
It takes a while to reload

Just so you know
I didn't know I caught this
There were shots, and we were looking both ways
and it was loud

And I decided that Today's journalists look at their cameras in shock and say -
Wow - I caught that?

My photographer friend and I went to hide in the kitched
and not 5 minutes later this soldier comes right through our hiding place
and when he looked right at me, I think I thought about screaming

he was so great - he didn't even laugh at me scrambling to get out of the way

It was a great experience
and i was so lucky that my friend asked me to go

Friday, October 20, 2017

A Mish Mash

There is quite a bit going on around here, and there are mornings where I wonder if I can keep up..... and then.... the day ends and I have no idea if I kept up or not - but everything is fed, everything is back in it's original pen, and the kid and I have our feet up ---- so we must have made it..... right?

So today - is a Mish Mash of happenings:

 We have a little bit of Club Basketball going on - my kid is in the white jersey - and this team was tough...
 And another - cuz he is cool!
And here is my Family - we were all home together this summer so I thought I had better get photos for our Christmas cards that I forget to send every year. you will be proud - I got a copy to my Mom and my Mother in Law - for their fridges - so I feel accomplished!

And my Cat
When I walk the dog - I am really walking the cat.
she loves it

My prompt was perspectives 
So I went up the stairs to shoot down

And homecoming
He was in Black and White
my Design wall is Black and White
I thought it appropriate

That's all folks

PS - there really is quilty stuff going on - just .... not sharable yet - not secretive - just not to a sharing stage.... *sigh* 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Quilts of Valor CO

I have some great Quilts to show you today!! Do you have your coffee? or in my case Dr Pepper?

Let's go!

This one was fabric dyes, pieced and quilted by Vicki Welsh
She does AMAZING hand dyed fabrics!!

I'm not sure who pieced this one
But it is made with our past Block Drive Blocks
and quilted by Steve and Linda in Parker

Again another top snuck in
I think that Bernie pieced it
but it was Quilted by Debra B in CO

This was made by Angela in AZ
and quilted by Stefanie C

Below - also quilted by Stefanie C
Pieced by our Greeley Group

I didn't know if I wanted to share this or not
but this guy ( The Horse) has been such a big part of my life,
since he was born on our ranch... and he loved my Soldiers and Veterans
he always had a nuzzle or hug for them
He sadly developed Plural Pnemonia, 
and has gone to the big Roping Arena in the heavens.

Its been a rough time, so I wanted to remember him
in his happy spot - trying to sit on someones lap!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Fall Bazaar and Bowl Cozies

Our church is holding a Fall Bazaar - and I am going to man a Table....

Wish me Luck

One of the things that have always been great gifts for me to give has been bowl cozies -


I am making some for the Bazaar.... our goal is to raise funds to help build a new church - so I hope these sell well ..... ( a Percentage goes to the church and a percentage goes to me)

The numbers are growing
 I'm slow - 
But check out my stack!!  Whoot Whoote

Interested - Come to the Fall Bazaar on October 28th
or message me - I will make you some!!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Prairie

You ever get that calling to see more wide open spaces?  I got it - and I went - and wow - what spectacular beauty!!

Isn't this a view you would love to see as you are driving?   FYI - there was absolutely NO one around, so it was safe to stop right smack in the middle of the road!

Windmills were everywhere 
I love windmills
at least the old fashioned ones

The Prairie View

I accidentally got in the middle of an antelope group
Not a herd I decided - because they were calling to each other
and I think this boy was flirting with the girls
and the girls kept running away

( PS - I was at a great distance from them, they just surprised me)

You all know my fondness for light and Black and Whites right?
I took a while to compose this one
knowing full well I wanted it in B&W

Another Cool Windmill

and look
Another Windmill
But what a view right?
I think I would enjoy ranching here on days like this
Not sure how the winter would be tho.

So I am driving away from my day on the prairie
and I see this!
It was the entrance to a road that led to a house that had even more mean crazy stuff on it
and a TON of keep out, private, Trespassers will be shot , etc Signs
Needless to say - I snapped the photo
From the safety of my car - and moved on!!

My momma didn't raise a fool!

What a gorgeous day though - and so refreshing to the spirit

linking to:  The Barn Collective
Life Thru my Lens

Monday, October 09, 2017

Presidents Challenge Quilt ( Our Guild President)

Just so you didn't think I was getting political on you, this was our Quilt Guild Presidents Quilt challenge for this year.  And her challenges are fun!!

She wanted to support those affected with Breast Cancer... so the challenge was issued in January to make a quilt to have ready at out September Meeting. She will choose recipients ( or you could nominate them to her as well)  and they will be presented next month.

This is Mine:

and boy you should have seen the others - they were so gorgeous - and so many of them!  I loved them all!!!

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Camp Collins - Colorado

In the Middle of Old Town Ft Collins sits a really cool Museum.

And in it - is some of the buildings of the people who settled Ft Collins - and it is cool!

Here is the story - click on it to make it bigger

And then there were other houses in the little village!

Look closely at the photo above
See anything more 21st centruy in there?
I was really tempted to move it.... but I didn't know if I would get in trouble

The window on this little house intrigued me
I really really really wanted to go in
but the doors are locked!!

and in color
Check out that curtain!!

I had too much fun with this one
trying to make it look vintage

if you ever get to Ft Collins CO
you might enjoy this little village

and there is a museum next to it that has different shows 
The day we went there was a quilt show hanging of modern quilts
and a local photographer

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Quilts of Valor Colorado -October

Helloooo October....

That came quick didn't it?!!!

We are still rockin' and Rollin' in the QOV world here in CO - and I thought maybe you would like some inspirations??? 

These 4 ( the one above) and the 3 below)
Were pieced by Meredith and quilted by Ron
Aren't they beautiful!

These two were made by Connie and Joan, and quilted by Connie

This one was pieced by our Greeley Group
and quilted by Beth K in Colorado

This one was also quilted by Beth - she did such a lovely job
it was pieced by the Sharp family - the Mom and her two sons!
Cool eh??

These two came from the Chaffee CO QOV
Ran by Linda L - they are SO productive
and these went to a Womens PTSD group

This one was pieced by Kathy and quilted by Connie

And the last two for today
Left was pieced by Terry M and the right pieced by Kristi
Both were quilted by Judy V
Happy Thoughts today!!

Which was your favorite?