Good Tuesday Evening! Wednesday is Christmas Eve Day.... and my boys are just so excited! I always think the Christmas Break goes WAY to fast!! and this one is no different!!
I hope you will get a chance to sit back and relax, enjoy the day - whatever you are doing. We have a rather small Christmas planned...
Enjoy This weeks Quilt of Valor show!! I hope you enjoy the smiles and that they brighten your week!
PS - if you want to see all of this years shows - here is the link
Bingham Ladies Fellowship Quilts of Valor |
Bingham Ladies Fellowship |
Bingham Ladies Fellowship |
Bingham Ladies Fellowship |
I think the Two above are Called Boxy Stars from
These are what I want you to see!!! The smiles. Please know how much they love being wrapped in all of our hugs!! You know I can't show each one.... but I sure hope you see the happiness! Our quilts are so loved!! That just makes my heart so happy.
This one was fun - he had such a smile on his face when he recieved this quilt. He just couldn't wait to tell his wife how important it was! A lovely Couple!
This is a big event - we get a lot of soldiers stopping by to visit and compliment the quilts ( the guys in the background)
This quilt was made By Diana B in Colorado - and I quilted it. She did a fabulous job!! It will get bound and out to be loved soon!!
And then we have three more quilts by the Bingham Ladies Fellowship. You have no idea how much I appreciate their support and their yummy quilts.... well... truth be told - I haven't met a quilt I don't like yet ;-)
I wish I knew what this pattern was - Jody.... if you or the ladies remember - would you let me know?
Columbine Quilt Bee |
Columbine Quilt Bee |
Rocky Mtn Quilt Museum |
Did you get inspired by any of those quilts?
Well - here are some more smiles!!! I hope they lift your spirits!
This is such a sweet picture for me. Harriett ( left) is one of my quilting angels. She has always been there for me - when I needed to learn to bind, cut fabric, get a hug - she is always there. I loved that she and this soldier were is such conversation about the military and the quilts - that they didn't even notice I was there.
I am not sure how many of you have been watching our Quilt of Valor progress though the years.... so a quick story:
I learned to quilt by teaching 100 5th grade kids to quilt.
Yep - not always the best way to learn - but we did well, and we had fun, and we made 10 Quilts of Valor in a year.
Now - I DID have a longarm - I knew the quilting part....
So.... I worked with these kiddos - we got the quilts all the way to the binding stage - and I panicked!
Harriett..... she said - bring them to me, I'll show you what to do... and she did.
and She enlisted Lori and Ethel and Mary - and they were so wonderful!
Merry Christmas!!!
See you soon.....