
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I need a Catchy Title

but I can't think of one - I think that maybe since we have not been over freezing for a while - my thinkers are broken.....

I have some new Photo software - and I am having a little bit TOO much fun learning it:

First:  Butterfly Love - I love that I could combine the back and the front into one photo... I am sure this is old technology to some - but I just never took the time to figure it out.

It is for sale By the Way - if you know anyone who needs a 70 x 76 inch bright sunny quilt - here it is:

And then ---- check this one out. This is a family I photographed earlier this month- before our lovely strom hit us... kind of hard to believe that is was this warm not so long ago:

I am so tickled that I could figure this all out (without the guidance of my son!) .... but then my buddy said he was going to send me something on my iphone and I panicked - Must... Keep.... My..... Children   ....

Stay warm - I am off to walk the dogs, if you don't hear from me in a few days... send someone to check if I froze.....


  1. I also just recently learned how to combine photos! Your quilt is lovely and so is your family! Keep warm. We're "white" here also.

  2. OK, so when I come to visit, I need a personal tutorial on how to do all of this cool photo stuff!

  3. Beware photo software, it can be way to much fun to play with! But you did some cool stuff with yours.


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