
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Augusts Quilt of Valor

I got a Rail Fence Quilt of Valor in the mail the other day - so I put a Panto on it called Debs Swirls. I think it turned out really nice. So I will get it sent back to the topper - she likes to do binding and labels - gotta love folks like that!!

DS#3 is my faithful quilt helper - he loves to hold them up!

We have almost made it thru the first full week of school, and I was informed this morning that it could be over now. They are done! It cracks me up, becuase during the summer they have NO problem waking up early, but somehow the word "school" induces sleep!!

And it is snake season again - I took the kids to school, pulled up to the gate ( to our house) , stepped out to open the gate and as I had one foot on the ground I heard a slither, looked down and jumped up on the top of the car! There was a baby rattlesnake slithering across. A trucker pulled over and checked on me - he thought I looked stranded up on the car. I said - No Just cautious - who knows if the snake had brothers and sisters under my car. I thought I was giving them ample time to GET OUT FROM UNDER MY CAR!!

We are much more observant now when pulling up to the gate from either direction!

Thanks to Betsey in Denver for letting me raid her fabric stash for my school QOV project, and to Judy in Illinois - for batting. I haven't opened the box yet as the boys are looking forward to the batting exploision. Its packed pretty tight in there!!

Have a good day!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

String Quilts and Wacky Log Cabins

I have learned how to make a string block and my son has caught on... I think he got it faster than I. But alas I have no picture of him as he was in his PJ's sewing! Anyways we have made a little progress on some blocks. They are somewhat additicing, and are a GREAT way to use up my scraps. Especially those scraps I just can't near to part with. This makes hubby very happy. He has dreams of reclaiming my space. I tell him to keep dreaming - he can build a barn!!

This is our pile of cut up strings. I have been cutting them up as I quilt our Quilts of Valor - from the backing left overs, and from the extra pieces that we don't use in a quilt - so we have a few. This is my corner of the front room - the black thing is the wood stove - this way I can stay nice and toasty when I am sewing in the winter. Of course at this moment in time - its not a worry at all!
Last year when I was working with the 5th graders I had cut a bunch of 3 inch squares to use as a practice piece to sew on. This way when they started on the real quilt they wouldn't be scared. Well I saved a lot of them and sewed them into 4 patches. Now I am using my strings and left overs to make them into Wacky Log Cabins - there is nothing square on them - except what I have squared up, but I think they will look very nice when finished. Well see. If I make them up to 15 inch blocks I will have enough to make 2 Quilts of Valor, I will just need to add a nice border. So far they have been fun!
Today was grocery shopping day - and we love that because theres lots to eat that day - made enchiladas and they should be ready in about 15 minutes - so I am off to speed sew till the boys come in!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

School has Started

You would think this would be exciting - but it means we are back to full speed with no goofing off. Full speed I am good with - no goofing off, well not so good! Tuesday was the first day of school, so I dropped the kids off and went to a Brazilian Embroidery class taught by Christine Hause. ( ) Oh my gosh - it was great. I am not good, nor enticed much by handwork - but this was cool. I learned tons of stitches and am going to make a project - so I won't show you my test stitches but will show you my project when I make more progress.

We are also full swing into fall sports! Here is one of my kids - and hubby, he is the assisant coach.

I also recieved a nice surprise from Helen in the UK - she sent me some fabric for Quilts of Valor for our school project, its a neat piece and will be great!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Counting and Cutting Fat Quarters

Well - not only is school about to start, but so will our Quilts of Valor project. We usually start in October but it came so fast last year that I decided to be organized. Probably deciding is just not enough, but I have been working too *grin* . I have recieved some fabrics from Judy in Illinois, Lois in Colorado, Marlene in Colorado, and Kelley in Ohio. ( I also got a box of Batting from Dee in Nebraska yay) So we have decided to do some quilts that need Fat Quarters and some strippy quilts. I have been going thru the fabrics and cutting FQ's first then will have the kids cut the scraps into strips, as well as cut up there FQ's.

This is a lot of fun, I like looking at and playing with the fabric - has this curbed my impluse to buy?? NO - well I haven't bought any fabrics - but I want to!! This bucket has our cut FQ's - I need 108 - I have 30 done - I am on my way.
Our school starts next Tuesday so we have been getting the backpacks ready and all the school supplies loaded. Monday my oldest got his locker, today the youngest will meet his teacher and the middle will see where his classroom is. Football is in full swing and my husband broke his arm at the first practice. I probably didn't mention he is one of the coaches - not players. All the players ( who you always worry about) didn't break anything - just my Hubby. Yesterday he was still woozy so we decided to drive him to work - he works an hour away - so we spent 4 hours in the car. That was just not as much fun as we would have liked, but as we were driving home in flooding rain and thunderstorms, dh was sleeping. Maybe a good decision!!
Hope you all have a great day!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Quilts of Valor from Buena Vista

There is a group in Buena Vista that seems to be to be very prolific in there making of Quilts of Valor. I am rather impressed with them! Last month they sent me 2 to quilt, and this month 2 more are on there way. I know another LA'er who got 2 from them last month as well. So needless to say ....they are awesome!

This is one of them being held by ds#3 - oops forgot to rotate it - but you get the idea. The other one is very fallish. Aren't they pretty?

On my quilty side I have been cutting lots of FQ's ( okay I have 5 cut I cannot tell a lie) for the kids at school, and cutting the scraps up into strings and strips. I am going to attempt to make a spiderweb quilt - I have a picture somwhere - out of all these scraps.

We have been stocking up on hay for the winter and pulling lots of weeds - not a fun combination - but you gotta do it!! Have a great day everyone!