
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Delivering the Quilts of Valor

School got out on the 15th of May and on the 17th 10 children from the 5th grade, 1 teacher, and 2 moms headed down to Colorado Springs Colorado to deliver 9 Quilts of Valor. We were met by the Chaplain Jeff Cartee and were escorted on to the base and into the Evans Hospital Chapel. There we had a short ceremony and dedication of the quilts. We were spoken to by the Hospital Commander. He likened himself to a quilter - as he was a surgeon and stitched a lot!!

We spoke to a soldier who had been wounded and did recieve a quilt of Valor when he arrived at Walter Reed in Texas - we asked him where his quilt was now, he said it was on his wall so he could see it every day.

They had a lunch for us and after the lunch Sgt Frank G. arrived. He was a soldier who had been wounded and had been at the hospital for rehabilitation. He had not recieved a quilt of Valor and our class was able to present him one. It was quite an honor. I got to speak personally with him as I helped him fold up the quilt. He was an amazing man of character and strength and I am honored to have met him. But let me tell you how important these quilts are. This man served his country, did his job, and did it without expecting anything. He was so amazed that anyone even cared about the job they did. He was so humbled to receive a quilt it brought tears to his eyes.

The Greeley Tribune - our local paper followed our progress and had a neat story come oun on Memorial day - here is the link if you are interested.

So any of you who are thinking of doing a QOV Please do so - they are so greatly appreciated. and to those of you who have made one - Thank you!!!